Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing​​​​​​​
A trip to the Amber Fort is a popular destination when touring Jaipur, but visitors are increasingly adding what critics have called ‘a little gem of a museum’ on to their list as well. In the Fort’s shadow and a mere ten minute walk through the cobbled streets of Amber, the historic capital of Rajasthan, lies the Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing (AMHP). Located in a magnificently restored haveli or mansion, the museum displays a varied selection of block printed textiles alongside images, tools and related objects – all chosen to provide an in-depth look into the complexity of this ancient tradition.

Like crafts worldwide, the block printing industry faces serious challenges trying to keep pace with modern manufacturing. The Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing addresses this fragile situation primarily through education. Dedicated to the art of block printing, AMHP strives to inform both textile specialists and general public alike; but more importantly, the artisans themselves are encouraged to visit and view their craft in a unique and inspirational way. Hopefully visitors from India and abroad will leave the museum a little wiser, and also more sensitive to the need of protecting this enduring heritage craft for future generations.
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